If you are looking for a good military website (besides this one of course) then go to www.discoverymilitary.com
Here are some of my favorite military objects.
Guns: AK-47, M107,M16,M4,M32.
Helicopters:MI-24 hind, UH-60 Blackhawk.
Planes:A-10 Thunderbolt, F-4 Phantom,Mk5 Spitfire,F-22 raptor.
Here are some good helicopters used in the military.







uh-1h huey

uh-1h huey


The Uh-60 is a quad bladed helicopter manufactured by Sikorsky Aircraft. It was developed to replace the uh-1 Iroquois used in Vietnam. The army needed great durability for this helicopter. It competed against the Boeing-Vertol. it can be used to transport troops,electronic warfare,and evacuation. It can be fitted with stub wings on the fuselage to carry fuel or weapons. it can carry 2 M240H machine guns, 2 M134 miniguns, or 2 GAU-19 gatling guns. it can also carry 70 mm Hydra 70 rockets,AGM-114 Hellfire laser guided missiles,or M230 gunpods. It can also have a VOLCANO minefield system.


Here are some good planes used in the military.


here are some facts about the a-10

The a-10 thunder bolt was designed for close air support during the Vietnam war. The u.s air force needed a plane to provide close air support. The air force needed it to be able to have good durability, be able to stay around for a long time, and to be able to maneuver at low speeds. The A-10 was designed by fairchild, competing against the northrop ya-9a. the a-10 was first used in service in 1977. It can carry a variety of weapons including the standard Gau-8. The A-10 is commonly used againt tanks, which is why it is nicknamed the tankbuster, Its Gau-8 fires 12 inch armor piercing rounds. The a-10 has been a commonly used plane, and is always a welcome sight for friendly troops.

a-10 warthog

a-10 warthog

f-4 phantom

f-4 phantom

f-18 hornet

f-18 hornet

f-22 raptor

f-22 raptor


Here are some funny military pictures